Considerate Constructors

Improving the image of the construction industry. Jeakins Weir has been registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) since 2006. We work hard to achieve top ratings in the scheme’s ‘Code of Considerate Practice’.

The CCS is a non-profit-making, independent organisation founded by the construction industry. It aims to promote an image of efficiency, environmental awareness and above all neighbourliness. Construction sites and companies, like Jeakins Weir, voluntarily register with the scheme and agree to abide by its Code, which encourages best practice beyond statutory requirements.

Working considerately is particularly important to us, since much of our work takes place in sensitive locations, such as schools, hospitals and other public buildings. That’s why we are proud to have achieved ‘Very Good’ or ‘Excellent’ ratings for all our sites. We are determined to continue improving our performance, and we are engaging with contractors and site managers to develop innovative ways of working. 

ASW 5165